
Showing posts from March, 2023

60 yr female with pancreatitis and multiple gastroduodenal ulcers

M VARUN SAI ( INTERN) THIS IS AN ONLINE E LOG BOOK TO DISCUSS OUR PATIENT'S DE - IDENTIFIED HEALTH DATA SHARED AFTER TAKING HIS / HER /GUARDIAN'S SIGNED INFORMED CONSENT .HERE WE DISCUSS OUR INDIVIDUAL PATIENT'S PROBLEMS THROUGH SERIES OF INPUTS FROM AVAILABLE GLOBAL ONLINE COMMUNITY OF EXPERTS WITH AN AIM TO SOLVE THOSE CLINICAL PROBLEMS WITH COLLECTIVE CURRENT BEST EVIDENCE BASED INPUT  CHIEF COMPLAINTS : c/o fever since 15 days  Abdominal pain since 15 days  Vomitings since 15days HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS : Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 months back then she had burning micturition, frothy urine, urgency, polyuria, nocturia,  No h/o polydypsia Complaints of fever since 15 days, intermittent, low grade, associated with chills and rigors, releived by taking medication. Epigastric pain since 15 days, squeezing type, tenderness present in epigastric region, no guarding, no rigidity, associated with vomitings, food as content, non projectile, non bilious, non foul sm

66 years MALE with stage 5 CKD with type 2 respiratory failure with dyselectrolytemia secondary to renal loss or rta

M VARUN SAI ( INTERN) THIS IS AN ONLINE E LOG BOOK TO DISCUSS OUR PATIENT'S DE - IDENTIFIED HEALTH DATA SHARED AFTER TAKING HIS / HER /GUARDIAN'S SIGNED INFORMED CONSENT .HERE WE DISCUSS OUR INDIVIDUAL PATIENT'S PROBLEMS THROUGH SERIES OF INPUTS FROM AVAILABLE GLOBAL ONLINE COMMUNITY OF EXPERTS WITH AN AIM TO SOLVE THOSE CLINICAL PROBLEMS WITH COLLECTIVE CURRENT BEST EVIDENCE BASED INPUT  CHIEF COMPLAINTS : C/O SOB since 1 week C/O generalised swelling since 1 week HOPI : 66 year old male, who is a father of 3 children ( 2 sons + 1 daughter).He used to sell the clothes by going to every village and take care of his family. In 2011, patient had sudden onset chest pain, where he was taken to cardiologist and Angiogram was done , where the doctors told 3 vessels were blocked and Bypass surgery (CABG)was done.After his surgery , he stopped selling the clothes by going to Village and started a small shop were he used to sell the plastic material ( buckets, mugs etc ). After 2 ye