ROLL NO - 85 

I was posted as internee in the department of GENERAL MEDICINE  from 12-02-2023 to 13-04-2023. During my tenure as intern i have been posted in * UNIT 1 for 1 month
* 15 days of peripherals which included ICU , NEPHROLOGY and MEDICAL WARD 
* 15 days in psychiatry department .


I was able to deal with many patients in the OUTPATIENT DEPARTMENT and helped them curing their minor ailments .

Made case report links for the admitted patients.

Made PAJR groups for every patient and involved in the discussions in the group

Learning points from the case report link
1. How common is lumbar spondylosis as the person ages ?

2. How does the visceral fat and high BMI play role in developing degenerative diseases of intervertebral disc.?

Learning points from the case report link

( This was the most challenging and interesting case which i came across during my internship)

Did blood pressure charting of the patient.

1. What might be the cause of high blood pressure in such a young patient ?

2. Secondary causes for young onset hypertension ?

3. Workup for evaluating a case of pheochromocytoma ?

4. Endocrinological workup to rule out the causes for young onset hypertension ?

5. PRES syndrome and its pathophysiology ?

Did ascitic tap for the patient under the guidance of Dr. HARIPRIYA mam , Dr. LOHITH sir .

Learning points from the case report link

( Another challenging case which required extensive workup to know the cause of ascitis )

1. How to differentiate if the ascitis is due to portal hypertension and other causes ?

2. SAAG and its significance in diagnosing cause for ascitis ?

3. Treatment of a case of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis .


Learning points from the case report 
( Did GRBS charting of the patient ) 

1. How does lifestyle habits increase the risk for developing diabetes ?

2. Mechanism of action of various oral hypoglycemic drugs ?

3. Classification of various insulin preparations and their use as combinations ?

4. Diabetic care of the patient ?


Learning points from the case report link

1. Causes of pancreatitis ?

2. Management of a case of pancreatitis ?

3. What could be the reason for her multiple gastroduodenal ulcers ?


Learning points from the case report link

( Did ascitic tap for the patient twice under the guidance of Dr. K PAVAN sir and Dr. LOHITH sir )
Learnt about the constructional apraxia charting .

1. What could be the cause for the hemorrhagic tap ?

2. Signs and symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy ? 

3. Portal hypertension and its causes , evaluation and management ?

Learning points from the case report link

1. Various parameters used for diagnosis of CKD and its staging ?

2 . MMRC grading to classify grade of SOB ?

3. Various electrolyte abnormalities in CKD patients and their management.?


( Under the guidance of Dr. Deepika mam  )

* Made sure that fever charting and SOAP notes of every patient are updated and shared in their respective PAJR groups .

* Actively Involved in the rounds and discussions around the patients .

* Made PAJR groups for the patients and encouraged them to put their problems in the group.

* Made sure all the investigations which  are required for the patient are done.

* Made sure that all the patients are compliant to the medications and treatment.

(Under the guidance of Dr. NISHITHA mam and Dr. KRANTHI sir )

* Learnt how to monitor a patient on ventilator .

* Learnt to put ryles tubes .

* Learnt to put foleys catheterisations. 

* Assisted in intubation of the patient .

* Learnt the mechanics of the ventilator and different modes in it.

* Learnt to take ABG samples from radial artery and femoral artery.

* Learnt to do CPR and protocol to follow during cardiopulmonary arrest.

* Assisted in dressings for bedsores . And made sure to prevent the occurence of bedsores in chronically ill patients.

* Learnt about various emergency drugs like vasopressors and their uses in ICU setup.

* Assisted Dr. NISHITHA MAM  in placing central venous catheterisation .

* Did sleep study in a young patient of suspected OSA syndrome.

(Under the guidance of Dr. BHARATH sir and Dr. K. PAVAN sir )

* Learnt about the hemodialysis and its applications .

* Learnt about the parts and mechanics of the hemodialysis machine.

* done pleural tapping for a patient with pleural effusion under the guidance of Dr. BHARATH sir .

* Learnt to put central venous catheter for a CKD patient under the guidance of Dr. K. PAVAN sir .

* Dealt with various psychosocial aspects in CKD patients .

* Monitored the patients while they are on hemodialysis.

* Performed CPR on a CKD patient and revived him.


* I Have dealt with  patients who are suffering from various psychiatric illness.

* Involved in DEADDICTION PROGRAM and helped patients to get rid of substance abuse and dependance.

* Monitored a patient with visual hallucinations in the AMC .

* Involved in the discussions on various psychiatric diseases and their management.

I enjoyed my postings as internee in general medicine department and learnt many things which helped me in becoming a better clinician.


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